Sunday, September 4, 2011

Quick and Easy Cheats Sausage Cassoulet

This is from Jamie's 30 minute meals. I made it the other night for Nic and I and it was great and there were enough for leftovers and even Dom at 1 years old had it for dinner and loved it!

Quick and Easy Cheats Sausage Cassoulet

Serves 4-6


4 rashers of bacon

1 ½ red onions

a few sprigs of fresh rosemary

½ a small bunch of fresh sage

3 fresh bay leaves

2 leeks

400g good-quality chipolata sausages

3-4 thick slices of bread

2 cloves of garlic

1 x 680g jar of passata

1 x 390g carton of butter beans

1 x 390g carton of haricot beans


1.      Slice 4 rashers of bacon about 1cm in size. In a large frying pan over a high heat, pour a few lugs of olive oil and add the bacon.

2.      Peel and chop the 1 ½ red onions. Add to the bacon along with the rosemary, most of the sage leaves and bay leaves.

3.      Slice the leeks and chop a bit smaller and add to the bacon mixture along with a few splashes of boiled water. Stir the mixture.

4.      In a roasting tray, lay out the sausages. Drizzle with olive oil and put under the grill for 8 minutes.

5.      Stir the bacon mixture.

6.      Tear the slices of bread into large chunks and put it into a food processor with a pinch of salt and pepper, ½ of the reserved sage leaves, 2 cloves of garlic and a good drizzle of olive oil. Pulse until you have course breadcrumbs.

7.      Add the passata and the beans to the bacon mixture and stir.

8.      In an oven-proof roasting/casserole dish, pour in the bacon mixture. On top of the bacon mixture, put ½ the breadcrumbs.

9.      Lay the sausages on the breadcrumbs and put the remaining breadcrumbs on top. Put the remaining sage leaves on top and sprinkle with olive oil.

10.  Put under the grill for 4 minutes until the breadcrumbs are crisp and golden.

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